Main Info
The canopy of Mirza Tughral Baig is lying on the southern side of the tomb enclosure of Mirza Baqi Baig in Makli graveyard, district Thatta. It is located on the eastern side of a 1.2m high square platform which measure over 8m on each of its sides. A four stepped approach have been provided at the eastern side. The western side is occupied by the wall of mosque. The pavilion type tomb is square in plan, measuring 5m x 5mand stands on twelve square pillars having low carved relief decoration on the outside. The shafts of thee pillars have no decoration at the base but depict honey combed designed capitals. The plain parapet has merlons and somewhat extended eaves. The square of the tomb is turned into octagonal by means of cross lintels which rest on two corner pillars. A series of interlaced arches change the octagon into a circular base for the dome.
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