Main Info
Close to the foot of rocky hills, there is another Jain period structure in south west side of temple No 1 in Bhodesar village in Mithi district, supposed to have been built in between 1375 and 1449 A.D. The largest of this group of temple which is referred as Temple II, stands on a platform about 3’ high on the front side which is one the north. It has the main entrance in the centre and on either side of its two niches both on exterior as well as interior. This door is made up of Kanjur stones and has a Jina in a small niche carved over lintel. There were some carved idols on its sides which have are unrecognizable now. Opposite to this door there is another door on the southern side which opens in the back courtyard. This temple is a centrally planned structure which has in the centre and a square aisle around it after which there are two rows of 5 cells each on east and west sides.
The nave with 4 columns on each side and roofed with a low dome shape of an inverted bowl supported on octagonal base of beams resting on eight columns. The floor space under it is square and below the level of the floor of the surrounding aisle and has three steps descending to it from all the four sides. However the huge stones which used to form the floor are now lying in a heap in a shallow pit in centre.
After the aisle there are 5 cells on each side and opposite to them 5 on the west. In between the doors of these cells there are pilasters or shafts corresponding to the pillars of the nave. On sides of both the central cells which are comparatively smaller than side ones there are carved idols on pedestals typical of the Jaina temples.
On the outside there is a double cornice running on the east west and north sides except the central portion of the front wall and entire south wall which have been repaired in the past. The in complete wall on the east where as the western wall which indicates that there was back enclosure on the south side probably with a central cells or inner temple for housing the main idol but has disappeared in course of time.
On the roof there is a central dome of the nave and around it 16 domes of the aisles and 10 domes of the two rows of the cells which makes in all 27 domes. From inside some of these small domes are corbelled in circular fashion and some in diagonal pattern from outside the entire roof including the domes have been plastered with white lime in thick layers. Along the eastern side of this temple there was an enclosed portion attached as shown by the low compound wall of rubble stones.
All stone used in the temple is of Kanjur stone and red sand stone which are not locally available. However, the stone used in the platform and the attached compound wall is local sand stone or granite of red tint.