Main Info
Gauri or Ghori is a Hindu temple situated 21 km north west of Viravah village in Nagarparkar region. Among the members of Hindu community this temple is well known for an image of Parasnath. Following the general plan of the temples in Gujrat, this temple at Gauri or Ghori also consists of three mandapas. These are roofed with Muslim style domes and a Sikhara supported on marble pillars. These oval shaped domes are one of the earliest examples used by the Hindus for the religious buildings. Another interesting feature of this temple is painting work with which the ceiling of the mandapas is embellished. Other Hindu temples in Nagarparkar include the temple of Mahadev. Then there are three temples at Bodhesar and a number of carved immolation stones nearby. Besides there is one Vaishneva temple at Pari Nagar from where a beautifully ornamented block of marble depicting the Hindu Pantheon was discovered.